Eating healthy and on a budget can be extremely difficult, especially around a busy schedule. One of the best ways to eat healthier and save money is by food prepping meals. Many people will say they don’t have the time, but it can actually save you time in the long run. For those who are just getting started and want to give it a try, here is how to food prep like a pro:
Designate a Day
When it comes time to food prep, find a day or two that works best for your schedule. Two good days are on a Sunday or Wednesday to prepare your meals. Whether you’re making meals for the next week or the next three days, it should always fall on the same one or two days. This will encourage you to make it a part of your schedule and get you more used to food prepping on the regulars.
Plan Out Your Meals
Before hitting the grocery store, make sure you have a meal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It also helps to go in knowing your snacks as well. By planning out your meals and the groceries that you need, you will be less likely to buy unneeded food. This in time will save you a ton of cash and prevent you from wasting food. It’s also fun to think of a theme for each meal, such as Meatless Monday or Fish Friday. This will help to get your excited about the food you have prepared.
Always Prep Breakfast
The most important meal to have prepped and ready to go is breakfast. In the morning before work or school, it’s easy to fall behind schedule. A lot of the time this will lead to running ou the door without breakfast and picking up some fast and unhealthy on the way. To avoid this and save you some money, have your breakfast prepped for the morning. Some great breakfasts that are easy healthy to prep ahead of time are egg muffins, protein pancakes, chia seed pudding, or breakfast cereal bars.
Shop in Bulk
Almost every meal prep recipes rely on ingredients such as grains, seeds, nuts, and beans. If you buy these ingredients in bulk, you save a lot of money over time. Not only is this a money saver, but it also gives you to chance to try out new types of bean or grains and come up with new recipes. Buying in bulk may seem like a commitment, but it’s one of the best ways to meal prep for weeks or months to come.